Monthly Archives: May 2007

Robert Fisk’s withering assessment of Olmert’s war

Bridge Blast - Lebanon (AP)

In the predicable follow up to the recent report on the failed prosecution of the “Second Lebanon War” there have been many calls for Ehud Olmert’s head, job, dignity, etc. Robert Fisk, of The Independent has finally fired his shot.

So it has come to this. All those bodies, all those photographs of dead children – more than 1,400 cadavers (we are not including the 230 or so Hizbollah fighters and the Israeli soldiers who died) – are to be commemorated with the possible resignation of an Israeli prime minister who knew, and who cared, many Israelis suspect, little about war.
Robert Fisk: Olmert undone by the militia he said he could destroy – Independent Online Edition > Robert Fisk

Touché Robert