Politico tells us that Former UN Ambassador John Bolton is mulling a Presidential run. Here’s his rational:
John Bolton eyes 2012 presidential run – Molly Ball – POLITICO.com
Now that’s a stirring fund raising platform, “Stranger things have happened!”
Bolton, who has the reputation of being the most bellicose member of an over testoseroned, über-bellicose Bush foreign policy team, Politico claims, “whose reputation, at least on the right, is as a speaker of unfiltered truth to power.” On the right, perhaps, but everywhere else he’s known more as as a speaker of power to truth. Part of that whole Might-Make-Right American Exceptionalism thing.
Want to lose a little sleep? How about a Palin/Bolton team for 2012? She can see Russia from her porch, and he has a nuke aimed at it.
Sleep tight…