Category Archives: Politics

Back To The Asylum


The other day we recognized Tom Tancredo for having the (fleeting) common sense to recognize that the term “war on terror” was foolish. Now he goes right back to proving that he is “reprehensible” and “absolutely crazy,” to quote the US State Department:

“If it is up to me, we are going to explain that an attack on this homeland of that nature would be followed by an attack on the holy sites in Mecca and Medina,” Tancredo said. “That is the only thing I can think of that might deter somebody from doing what they would otherwise do. If I am wrong, fine, tell me, and I would be happy to do something else. But you had better find a deterrent, or you will find an attack.”Tom Casey, a deputy spokesman for the State Department, told CNN’s Elise Labott that the congressman’s comments were “reprehensible” and “absolutely crazy.” Tancredo was widely criticized in 2005 for making a similar suggestion. – CNN Political Ticker

Artistic Evidence of Inhuman Acts

This from The Independent online edition:

500 drawings by children who escaped the violence are to be submitted to the International Criminal Court as proof of war crimes by Sudanese forces
Dramatic new evidence of the attacks on the people of Darfur by Sudanese government troops has emerged in 500 drawings by children who escaped the violence by fleeing across the border to Chad. In a ground-breaking move, the remarkable collection of images will now be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC), which has started proceedings against a Sudanese government minister and a militia commander accused of committing war crimes in Darfur.
Darfur: The evidence of war crimes – Independent Online Edition > Africa

There is more to be found on this at Human Rights Watch

Mahmoud, Age 13
Human Rights Watch: What’s happening here?
Mahmoud: These men in green are taking the women and the girls.
Human Rights Watch: What are they doing?
Mahmoud: They are forcing them to be wife.
Human Rights Watch: What’s happening here?
Mahmoud: The houses are on fire.
Human Rights Watch: What’s happening here?
Mahmoud: This is an Antonov. This is a helicopter. These here, at the bottom of the page, these are dead people.
Human Rights Watch – Darfur Drawn: The Conflict in Darfur Through Children’s Eyes

In Praise of the Also-Ran Redux

Making an incredibly sane point for a man mostly known for his inchoate rants against immigration, Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) had this to say:

Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo says the U.S. isn’t waging a “war on terror.” We’re involved in a clash of civilizations, according to Tancredo. “Terrorism is a tactic. It is not the thing with which we are at war,” Tancredo told an audience in Grinnell today. “Characterizing it or mischaracterizing it that way is something that we should not do. We should understand exactly who it is that we are fighting.”
Radio Iowa: Tancredo disputes label “war on terror”

Sounds an awful lot like the point that actual sane people were making a few years ago, reported here:
Some Food for Thought | Fortune’s Pawn

Love Monkeys for Keyes

Maya Keyes “snogging” Bria Grace (2004)

This week brought even more major league defections from the Presidential primary campaigns of Republican candidates, this time its John McCain (again) and (unannounced) Fred Thompson, although Rudy has lost his share to the law of late. Leaves one wondering just who will be left when it actually comes time for right-wingers to vote?

Pawn finds this all vaguely reminiscent of the Summer of 2004, when one Barack Obama was running for US Senate from Illinois, the seat vacated by Republican Peter Fitzgerald, and his opponent Jack Ryan had spent a small fortune to wrap up the Republican primary against well qualified opponents. Ryan’s campaign flamed out amid allegations by his ex-wife, actress and Star Trek bombshell Jeri Ryan, that he had forced her to go to sex clubs. After Ryan finally heeded the calls of his party, and dropped out of the race, the Republicans had a mad time finding a replacement, even briefly flirting with the idea of a Mike Ditka candidacy. Finally they settled on Alan Keyes, who during a laughable campaign came out against his own daughter coming out and claimed that Jesus wouldn’t vote for Obama, and ended with 27% of the vote to Obama’s 70%.

So, “What’s your point?” you may well ask. It is this: At the rate things are going it is almost as though the Republican party must be hoping that at least one obscure candidate can hang on long enough and not self immolate, so that they have someone to prop up in November 2008 to face off against a strong Democratic candidate.

One wonders how long Ron Paul can keep up that respectable bank balance of his?

A rant about the July 17th Executive Order

There is a great threat to America, one right here on our soil. It threatens the very fabric of the Constitution which defines this nation and its people. It is a runaway administration which has circumvented the courts, ignored the elected body of Congress and redefined the laws to serve its on ends.


On July 17th with a stroke of the pen, President Bush annulled parts of the fifth, sixth and fourteenth amendments of our Constitution [Ed. Note: See Below]. He signed an executive order which essentially erased the implicit idea of presumption of innocence and the due process of the law protecting property. This infamous piece of paper is known as: Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq. It is the duty of all Americans regardless political affiliations to demand it to be scrapped. To lose constitutional rights, rights which are self evident and our heritage, we lose what it means to be Americans.

Continue reading

The Church of Latter-Day States


Remind me again why we granted statehood to Alaska and Hawaii (just kidding)…

US senators today made a bipartisan call for the universal implementation of filtering and monitoring technologies on the Internet in order to protect children at the end of a Senate hearing for which civil liberties groups were not invited.Commerce Committee Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Vice Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) both argued that Internet was a dangerous place where parents alone will not be able to protect their children.
US Senators call for universal Internet filtering | Press Esc

Actionable Slight of Mouth


Republican Senator Arlen Specter (PA), took AG Alberto Gonzales to task yesterday for his repeated prevarication on the subject of just what went down in the hospital room of his predecessor several years back. Here, from Time Magazine, we have an interesting side note (emphasis mine):

Specter later circled back to Gonzales on the matter, warning him: “My suggestion to you is you review your testimony to find out if your credibility has been breached to the point of being actionable,” Specter said. The maximum penalty for being caught lying to Congress is five years in prison and a fine of $250,000 per count. Specter wryly noted to reporters during a break that there is a jail in the Capitol complex.
Gonzales Digs a Deeper Hole – TIME

Do yourself a favor and follow the link, there are many more such juicy nuggets in the full story.

Tough Talking Mama


From The Note over at Mickey Mouse dot com, comes this collection of observations about Elizabeth Edwards taking Hillary Clinton to task for net being fem enough.  Jeez, what’s next?

…Elizabeth Edwards’ sharp tongue is again dominating the 2008 race — and that may actually be a good thing for the candidate.
In a jab that will be the subject of a good dissertation on feminism some day, Elizabeth Edwards posited that her husband — not Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y. — is the best candidate for female voters. “Sometimes you feel you have to behave as a man and not talk about women’s issues,” she said when discussing Clinton in an interview with “I’m not convinced she’d be as good an advocate for women.”
Straight-talking spousal comments are often massively distracting to campaigns. (Imagine if Teresa Heinz Kerry had taken a swipe at Laura Bush, or if President Clinton were to argue that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., isn’t man enough for the job.) But whether it’s her battle with cancer, her real-mom looks, or her general likeability, there looks to be little downside for Edwards in having his wife mix it up.
The Note: Elizabeth Edwards Dukes it Out on Her Husband’s Behalf

What did they mean to say?

Pawn just loves it when people misspeak, or misstype, and the resultant sentence means something else entirely. One example was in a La Crosse, WI, newspaper where a letter writer, writing about the forces which keep gay people from coming out wrote “People never seem to amaze me.”

Here is another fine example, penned by one Andi, who was responding to an article over at The Caucus at The New York Times about a sequel to the popular Obama Girl video. Note the misspelling of “underlying” in the 3rd sentence (if you can ignore the absurd banality of the opening sentence):

I didn’t realize that our culture had stooped to popifying our politics. Not only that but this is by far the most sexist political ad I’ve ever seen. It is representative of the underling paternalistic value in our culture and supports sexist ideas and social constructs. If this strikes you as an over the top comment think about weather or not there would ever be anything like this made promoting Hillary.— Posted by Andi
Obama Girl 2: Electric Boogaloo – The Caucus – Politics – New York Times Blog