Category Archives: Politics

And then there were…


Pawn must admit to a certain wistfulness at the news that Tom Tancredo is leaving the race for the Republican nomination for president. Without his peculiar brand of xenophobic racism and entertaining goofiness we are left with only Alan Keyes in the court jester position over on the far right side.

Rep. Tom Tancredo plans to withdraw from the GOP presidential field today, ending a campaign in which he failed to gain much attention or traction as rivals largely adopted his long-held immigration positions.Sources close to the Tancredo campaign confirmed Wednesday that the Littleton Republican intends to officially announce his exit from the race at a news conference this afternoon in Des Moines, Iowa.
The Denver Post – Tancredo set to quit race

Selective Amnesia


Over at Mickey Mouse dot com, The Note has this little comment about Rudy’s latest ad:

Giuliani has a new TV ad up today — and it’s him as commander-in-chief, invoking memories of Ronald Reagan’s ending of the Iranian hostage crisis. “The best way you deal with dictators, the best way you deal with tyrants and terrorists, you stand up to them. You don’t back down.”
THE NOTE: Razor Thin Republican Race

Hmm. I seem to remember that while Jimmy Carter was busy standing up to the Iranians, even attempting military maneuvers to rescue the hostages, a yet-to-be-sworn-in Ronald Reagan and his gang were secretly conducting back channel negotiations to win the hostages’ release through a series of secret deals which culminated in the Iran-Contra affair.

While the Dems may not want voters reminded of how ineffectually the Carter Whitehouse handed this crisis, does Rudy really want to remind them of how illegally Ronny and Co. took care of business?

Revisionism In The Making

Three Card Monte

Kurt Campbell, guesting today on Nicholas Kristof’s blog over at the Times, does an elegant and capable job of skewering the Bushists and other RNC recalcitrants for trying, yet again, to rewrite history. This time, the very recent past. Here is an excerpt:

Take for instance the president’s characterization of the 1990’s during his second inaugural address, just as the hopes of a new bipartisan approach to the new global challenges were fading in the wind: “After the shipwreck of communism,” Bush declared, “came years of relative quiet, years of repose, years of sabbatical – and then there came a day of fire.” The language perfectly captures the Bushist critique of the Democrats; elitist in their university cocoons or trial lawyer firms, fundamentally lazy, and lucky too. Thank God Republicans were finally back in power when things got serious on 9/11.

Yet this picture of being lost in the 1990’s, of a Gatsby-like holiday from history during a fun-filled and frolicking interwar period, ignores all of the drama that played out almost exclusively in America’s favor during this supposedly relaxed decade. Indeed, the 1990’s involved enormous and important good works internationally and helped set the scene for continued American power on the global stage. Increasingly, the first Bush Administration and the Clinton Administration can be seen in retrospect as essentially fitting together to complete a decade of accomplishment that paints President George W. Bush’s subsequent term in office as an outlier.
Nicholas D. Kristof – Opinion – New York Times Blog

Off Come The Gloves

Hillary Clinton came out swinging, calling into doubt the International credentials of opponent Barack Obama, as recounted over at The Note, at Mickey Mouse dot com:

This cold-cock Tuesday from the smiling frontrunner, the eschewer of mudslinging, the rise-above-it-all leader: “Now voters will judge whether living in a foreign country at the age of 10 prepares one to face the big, complex international challenges the next president will face. I think we need a president with more experience than that,” said Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y.
THE NOTE: Hillary Starts Playground Fight

This from the same woman who just a week ago was complaining to her fellow Democrats, “But when somebody starts throwing mud, at least we can hope that it’s both accurate and not right out of the Republican playbook.” Well, let’s look at that Republican playbook.

OBAMA’S TOP 5 FOREIGN POLICY CREDENTIALS Foreign Policy Credential #1: “Life Of Living Overseas” For 4 Years…In Elementary School: Obama Lived Overseas From Ages 6 To 10. | Republican National Committee :: Obama’s Foreign Policy Credentials

I’m not the only one to notice this overlap. Here is TPMElectionCentral‘s take on the same point.

The Note then goes on to mock Clinton mocking Obama:

But does mocking Sen. Barack Obama’s, D-Ill., international upbringing get Clinton traction? Surely by now Obama’s supporters (including those who see him as their second choice) know that his resume is light. They favor him because he represents a new direction, the change half of the magical “change and experience” formula.

Would Clinton supporters care if they were reminded that — around the time Obama was living in Indonesia — their candidate was a “Goldwater Girl”? And does she want to be reminded about those incredibly important trips she took as first lady like the one (as recounted in Carl Bernstein’s book) where she and Chelsea joined Sinbad and Sheryl Crowd in post-war Bosnia?

Tom Villsack, though, assures us that Hillary “assumed tremendous responsibility” on foreign affairs while her husband was president, as per Anne Kornblut of The Washington Post

The former Iowa governor, interviewed on MSNBC, said Clinton “There is no question she was the face of the administration in foreign affairs,” Vilsack said.Really? Hillary Clinton was the face of the Clinton administration in foreign affairs? More than, say, the secretary of state? Or his vice president? Or his, um, ambassador to the United Nations?

Au contraire, said New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who served in the last of those jobs – -and is now seeking the presidency himself.

“Gov. Vilsack’s enthusiasm for his candidate has clouded his judgment,” Richardson spokesman Tom Reynolds said on Tuesday night. “Considering that Gov. Bill Richardson served as a Special Envoy and US Ambassador to the United Nations under President Clinton, we take some exception to this opinion. I also think Madeline Albright might disagree too.”
Vilsack: Hillary Was ‘the Face of the Administration on Foreign Affairs’ | The Trail |

Oh yes, the gloves are off!

Open The Rumble Seat


Here in Fortune Land we have never been quite so sanguine as the MSM has when it comes to picking dark horses and sticking with it. Here, from that very self-same MSM (The New York Times) we have a story of cum-upance to warm your heart. Pop open the rumble seat, this is starting to get interesting!

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, Nov. 8 — Mike Huckabee’s field staff had expected a modest crowd for a campaign event at a tiny rural community college near here on Wednesday. But as people began to cram into the shoe-box-size room, campaign organizers scurried to roll back a dividing wall and set up extra chairs.

To the Huckabee campaign, it was another small note in a recent trickle of encouraging moments. His fund-raising is up, the campaign just received its first major Christian conservative endorsement and most of all — to Mr. Huckabee’s obvious delight — opponents are beginning to take potshots at him.

From Back of G.O.P. Pack, Huckabee Is Stirring – New York Times

Huckabee has always hoped for this, to bloom too early would have killed his campaign, but now, less than two months out, is just about right. The Dems should be concerned, because Huckabee is the real deal, unlike his opponents, and his authenticity is the only real threat the Republicans have to face the Democrats with in less than a year from now (tick-tock)…

The Deciders Speak – $4.3 Million Worth

, as a young child used to celebrate Guy Fawkes night on November 5th, a British holiday commemorating the attempt by Fawks to blow up Whitehall in support of Catholic’s rights. The children in the house make an effigy of Guy Fawkes, and then parade him around the neighborhood, reciting a simple rhyme* and begging “Penny for the Guy, penny for the Guy!” My parents encouraged us to continue this tradition in the US, and we combined it with our annual Unicef fund-raising effort.

Supporters of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) decided to leverage this holiday, and its anti-government theme as a fund raising appeal for their libertarian candidate. Here is what the organizer of this, the largest single-day on-line fund raiser in history had to say about the motivation:

“… this is a country of and by the people…The entire notion of Bush saying he is the decider when 70 or 80 percent of the country wants out of the war is ridiculous. He acts like a dictator.” — Trevor Lyman
ABC News: Victory For Ron Paul: Raises $4.3 Million in 24 Hours

Pawn certainly doesn’t relish a Ron Paul presidency, but likes to see anyone tweak the status quo, and perhaps startle the establishment a bit along the way.

* The version of the rhyme I remember from youth is simply “Please do remember the fifth of November, when poor old Guy Fawkes was reduced to an ember.” Not a very traditional one…

Debate Highlights – Santa Claus and UFOs

Santa Claus UFO

Strange admissions were made during last night’s Democratic Presidential debate at Drexel University in Philadelphia. First came this

MR. EDWARDS: You know, I — I believe in Santa Claus. I believe in the tooth fairy

And then, later in the debate, came this:

MR. RUSSERT: Congressman Kucinich, I want to move to a different area, because this is a serious question.
The godmother of your daughter, Shirley MacLaine, writes in her new book that you’ve cited (sic) a UFO over her home in Washington state — (laughter) — that you found the encounter extremely moving, that it was a triangular craft silent and hovering, that you felt a connection to your heart and heard direction in your mind.
Now, did you see a UFO? (Laughter.)
Democratic Debate Transcript – Election 2008 – Politics – New York Times

Editorial Trick or Tick?


On the front page of NYTimes at 3:22 PM EST on Halloween, the tease copy for an interior Janet Elder story read:

Republic (sic) candidates find themselves in a quandary over President Bush’s low approval ratings.
The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

Is this an editorial response to the tendency of GOP candidates to refer to their opponents as “The Democrat Party”? Republicans have been referring to the Democrat Party since at least Robert Dole’s 1996 Presidential run, but much more so in thje past seven years, as the Bush Whitehouse has practically made it standard form. Pawn thinks it’s high time that the press play a bit of turn-about on the “Republic Party” but wonders how soon that rendition will either disappear or get “fixed” on the Times site.

Ghostly Endorsements


Speaking of words from beyond the grave, Jake Tapper of Mickey Mouse dot com reported yesterday in his blog, Political Punch, that Gerald Ford has endorsed Rudy:

It’s rare that presidents speak from beyond the grave, much less to make a political endorsement. For that reason, perhaps it’s understandable that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani hasn’t had a response to the surprise announcement made in today’s New York Daily News by the late President Gerald Ford.”I think Giuliani is an electrifying guy,” Ford told Daily News Washington bureau chief Tom DeFrank in May 2006. “He’s a great speaker. He’s had a good record of winning in New York City, and he can be tough.”
…Ford was the last Republican president to have supported abortion rights. Giuliani aspires to be the next.
Political Punch

A Headless Party – Just In Time For Halloween


Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL), variously described as the head or the face of the Republican Party is calling it quits stepping down after less than 11 months on the job, according to the AP:

Mel Martinez, the public face of the Republican National Committee as its general chairman, announced Friday he was stepping down from his post after serving only 10 months.
“I believe that our future as a party and nation is bright and I have every intention of continuing to fight for our president, our party and our candidates,” the Florida senator said in a statement.
His resignation came months earlier than anticipated. Martinez wasn’t expected to step down until a Republican presidential nominee was selected, and the earliest that could occur is February.
The RNC said Martinez’ job would not be filled.
Martinez, who is up for re-election in 2010, said he was relinquishing the job to spend more time focusing on his constituents and because the RNC had achieved the objective he set when he assumed the job in January.
“It was my goal as general chairman to lead the party as it established the structure and raised the resources necessary to support our presidential candidate and ensure Republican victories next November. I believe we have accomplished those goals,” Martinez said.
Martinez quits as RNC general chairman – Yahoo! News

I particularly like the part where he says, “My work here is done.”

The party has no plans to replace him. I guess without a leader the Republicans figure they’ll be immune from the old “Fish rot from the head” problems.