Live Free And Die, Or Free Love For The Dead


Got a note from my buddy John S., today. He seems a little shocked over a recent local headline:

I think we could more or less steal Vermont’s motto – did you hear that the three geniuses who became infatuated with the picture of a woman in her obituary notice and decided they would dig her(it) up and have sex with her(it) -got arrested and got off on appeal. Hard not to appreciate a good attorney – seems Wisconsin doesn’t actually have any laws forbidding necrophilia? We need to be very happy that the writers strike is on – Leno and co would have had a field day with this one.

The Deciders Speak – $4.3 Million Worth

, as a young child used to celebrate Guy Fawkes night on November 5th, a British holiday commemorating the attempt by Fawks to blow up Whitehall in support of Catholic’s rights. The children in the house make an effigy of Guy Fawkes, and then parade him around the neighborhood, reciting a simple rhyme* and begging “Penny for the Guy, penny for the Guy!” My parents encouraged us to continue this tradition in the US, and we combined it with our annual Unicef fund-raising effort.

Supporters of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) decided to leverage this holiday, and its anti-government theme as a fund raising appeal for their libertarian candidate. Here is what the organizer of this, the largest single-day on-line fund raiser in history had to say about the motivation:

“… this is a country of and by the people…The entire notion of Bush saying he is the decider when 70 or 80 percent of the country wants out of the war is ridiculous. He acts like a dictator.” — Trevor Lyman
ABC News: Victory For Ron Paul: Raises $4.3 Million in 24 Hours

Pawn certainly doesn’t relish a Ron Paul presidency, but likes to see anyone tweak the status quo, and perhaps startle the establishment a bit along the way.

* The version of the rhyme I remember from youth is simply “Please do remember the fifth of November, when poor old Guy Fawkes was reduced to an ember.” Not a very traditional one…

Kinder, Gentler?


Pawn was watching the evening news tonight and the story was last night’s stay of execution issued by a divided panel of the US Supremem Court in the case of a convicted killer in Mississippi.  Anyway, while the anchor and judicial circuit reporter coversed about the import of the decision, and the ramifications vis-a-vis the 11 other currently scheduled executons (8 now on hold) a series of file photos of execution chambers were shown.  Each and every one has a gurney to which the condemned is strapped, and each of those gurneys had a pillow on it.

This begs the question, who fluffs that pillow?

Debate Highlights – Santa Claus and UFOs

Santa Claus UFO

Strange admissions were made during last night’s Democratic Presidential debate at Drexel University in Philadelphia. First came this

MR. EDWARDS: You know, I — I believe in Santa Claus. I believe in the tooth fairy

And then, later in the debate, came this:

MR. RUSSERT: Congressman Kucinich, I want to move to a different area, because this is a serious question.
The godmother of your daughter, Shirley MacLaine, writes in her new book that you’ve cited (sic) a UFO over her home in Washington state — (laughter) — that you found the encounter extremely moving, that it was a triangular craft silent and hovering, that you felt a connection to your heart and heard direction in your mind.
Now, did you see a UFO? (Laughter.)
Democratic Debate Transcript – Election 2008 – Politics – New York Times

Editorial Trick or Tick?


On the front page of NYTimes at 3:22 PM EST on Halloween, the tease copy for an interior Janet Elder story read:

Republic (sic) candidates find themselves in a quandary over President Bush’s low approval ratings.
The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

Is this an editorial response to the tendency of GOP candidates to refer to their opponents as “The Democrat Party”? Republicans have been referring to the Democrat Party since at least Robert Dole’s 1996 Presidential run, but much more so in thje past seven years, as the Bush Whitehouse has practically made it standard form. Pawn thinks it’s high time that the press play a bit of turn-about on the “Republic Party” but wonders how soon that rendition will either disappear or get “fixed” on the Times site.

Ghostly Endorsements


Speaking of words from beyond the grave, Jake Tapper of Mickey Mouse dot com reported yesterday in his blog, Political Punch, that Gerald Ford has endorsed Rudy:

It’s rare that presidents speak from beyond the grave, much less to make a political endorsement. For that reason, perhaps it’s understandable that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani hasn’t had a response to the surprise announcement made in today’s New York Daily News by the late President Gerald Ford.”I think Giuliani is an electrifying guy,” Ford told Daily News Washington bureau chief Tom DeFrank in May 2006. “He’s a great speaker. He’s had a good record of winning in New York City, and he can be tough.”
…Ford was the last Republican president to have supported abortion rights. Giuliani aspires to be the next.
Political Punch

More wit from beyond

A Mgic Story

My RSS aggregator just popped this into my consciousness, direct from the late Theresa Duncan’s blog, The Wit of the Staircase:

I thought he might have decided, looking back, that it had all been some sort of bizarre coincidence, or maybe a highly original prank. He said, “At the time, of course, I was quite shaken by it.” And now? “I am still shaken by it.”
The Wit of the Staircase: Basil Rathbone’s Ghosts

Sorry, just had to reproduce that portion of the original, as it speaks to how those of us who miss Theresa feel when these automaton apparitions knock on our mailboxes.

The posting is about a ghost story from Basil Rathbone, as related by Dick Cavett.

The site editor, Theresa’s friend Glenn O’Brien (I think) added this note to the end of the post:

Editor’s Note: Theresa had left this post to appear automatically on this date (another will appear on New Year’s Eve).

Ooh goody, once more we will waken to find letters from beyond in our mailbox.

Sandblasted Into Oblivion

Is it intolerance, myopic fastidiousness, or outright stupidity?

What is the biggest eyesore on the streets of east London? A giant rat with a knife and fork in its paws, apparently. Or a rioter throwing flowers. Hackney council says these subversive images are making the place look dirty and have to go – even if they were spray-painted by Banksy, the art world’s most unlikely superstar.

“We have to clean up the walls,” said a spokeswoman, confirming that the street cleaners are ready to blast some of modern British art’s most distinctive images away as part of a zero-tolerance policy. “We can’t make a decision as to whether something is art or graffiti. The Government judges us on the number of clean walls we have.”
You dirty rat: street cleaners prepare to blast Banksy away – Independent Online Edition > This Britain

No really, where?

Overdressed, pretty-lady: I don’t want to eat too much and get fat, you know. There’s only one place you want fat, and that’s here. I have just enough there, don’t you think?

Older gentleman: (mumbled response)

Pretty-lday: Oh, so you like Sherrie do you?

Overheard at Dehli restaurant during lunch buffet. Couple was seated behind Pawn.

Door County Gibson

Door County Gibson

This delightful concontion brings a pleasent and refreshing twist to the standard Gibson for early autumn evenings in Wisconsin. This is the time when we celebrate the cherry harvest, and the orchards are rife with the product of the cherry trees. In Wisconsin that means cherries from Door County, the thumb in the mitten-like shape of the state. Substituting a little 100% pure cherry juice (not sweetened) for vermouth will leave you smiling at your soon empty glass. Use a good potato vodka for this drink, you’ll appreciate how this almost flavorless variety of vodka gets out of the way of the cherry juice’s dry, almost bitter flavor. This most certainly is not cherry vodka!

Door County Gibson

To a shaker of ice add a healthy splash of 100% pure, unsweetened cherry juice (a mighty anti-oxident!)

Add enough potato vodka to make a decent martini, about 3 or 4 ounces

Shake well, and strain into a martini glass

Garnish with a cherry